Satellite Platforms

Scalable, modular platforms weighing between <1 kilogram and 500 kilograms. These accommodate commercial, defence and scientific missions in Low Earth Orbit (LEO), and beyond.

A cover image of Dhruva Space's P-30 satellite platform.
Fully Customisable
Faster Lead Time
Spacecraft Solar Arrays
1 - 500 kg Payload
Scalable for constellations


P-DoT CubeSat by Dhruva Space weighing up to 24kg.
Satellite Bus
0.5U to 12U
Platform Mass
1 - 24 kg
Payload Power
Available on request
Nominal Mission Lifetime
Up to 5 years
Pointing Accuracy
Up to 0.1°


Compact & Modular
  • TRL 9
  • LEO-Optimised
  • Scalable for Earth Observation Constellations
  • Multi-Payload Configurations
  • Space-Qualified, pre-qualified and assembled (Mechanical and Electrical) and ready for Payload Integration
  • Body-Mounted and Deployable Solar Arrays
  • 3 axis-stabilised for advanced missions
  • Suitable for M2M, IoT and technology demonstration applications
Stowed P-30 NanoSat by Dhruva Space weighing up to 50kg.
Deployed P-30 NanoSat by Dhruva Space weighing up to 50kg.
Deployed P-30 NanoSat by Dhruva Space weighing up to 50kg.
Satellite Bus
Available on request
Platform Mass
20 - 50 kg
Payload Power
Available on request
Nominal Mission Lifetime
Up to 5 years
Pointing Accuracy
Up to 0.1°


Compact & Modular
  • TRL 9
  • LEO-Optimised
  • Scalable for Earth Observation Constellations
  • Multi-Payload Configurations
  • Space-Qualified pre-qualified and assembled (Mechanical and Electrical) and ready for Payload Integration
  • Flagship Satellite bus for Hosted Payload Solution
  • Body-Mounted and Deployable Solar Arrays
  • 3 axis-stabilised for advanced missions
  • Suitable for M2M, IoT and technology demonstration applications
  • Electric Propulsion for Orbit maneuverability
Deployed P-Nu Microsat by Dhruva Space weighing up to 500 kg.
Deployed P-Nu Microsat by Dhruva Space weighing up to 500 kg.
Deployed P-Nu Microsat by Dhruva Space weighing up to 500 kg.
Satellite Bus
Available on request
Platform Mass
Up to 500 kg
Payload Power
Available on request
Nominal Mission Lifetime
Up to 5 years
Pointing Accuracy
Available on request


Robust & Scalable
  • LEO-Optimised
  • Scalable for Earth Observation Constellations
  • Multi-Payload Configurations
  • Pre-Qualified and assembled (Mechanical and Electrical) and ready for Payload Integration
  • Body-Mounted and Deployable Solar Arrays
  • 3 axis-stabilised for advanced missions
  • Suitable for M2M, IoT and technology demonstration applications
  • Propulsion: Orbit station keeping

Hosted Payload Solutions

Dhruva Space’s LEAP series of Space missions is a full-fledged hosted payload solution. Developed on Dhruva Space’s flagship P-30 Satellite Bus, LEAP is suitable for In-Orbit Validation (IOV) / In-Orbit Demonstration (IOD) for a wide range of Payloads up to 12U. LEAP offers faster, cost-effective, and reliable access to Space.

A diagram of Dhruva Space's Hosted Payload Solutions mentioning the capabilities.A render of Dhruva Space's Hosted Payload Solutions offering in the standard P-30 satellite platform.
Hover for specifications
Payload Power: Up to 50 W at 50% Duty Cycle
Hosted Payload Bay: Up to 12U
Pointing Accuracy: Up to 0.1 °
Payload Mass: Up to 15 kg